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2016 Australian International Tattoo Expo

It was a perfect weekend again in Sydney with the extended summer still going strong. The crowds were large and the tattoo guns were going off everywhere at the 2016 Australian International Tattoo Expo held at Moore Park.

I went along with my trusty Fuji camera to see the latest trends in tattoo art and I was confronted with stands filled with artists all working away on people keen to have their bodies inked. I have to say that each year I see an increase in the levels of skill and talent and this year what blew me away was the emphasis COLOUR.

Everywhere I looked I saw colour being inked, not as shading but as bold, vibrant and loud statements of real art.

Last year I was surprised at the number of large pieces being done. This year it seemed that everyone was having huge back or chest pieces done. These large pieces are a real statement and when done well are brilliant to see.

It is a credit to the artists and their clients.

Here are some photos of the day.

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